Indian Army Soldier Technical Eligibility 2020 Height, Qualification, Salary

By | 12/17/2019

Indian Army Soldier Technical Eligibility 2020: Indian Army is the first choice of young youth of India. In this article, We will tell you all the important information which you want to know. Below we have explained for the candidates about Indian Army Technical Eligibility 2020 with detailed information. But if you seriously want to know full details about the Indian army technical. we suggest for the candidates, read this article completely.

In this article, we will explain all the important information about soldier Technical eligibility like What is the Indian army soldier technical qualification? What is the age limit of Indian army soldier technical? How much Height Weight and Chest are required for the Indian army technical? Indian army soldier technical written exam and physical test details, and all kinds of information about Indian army technical is given in the below

Indian Army Soldier Technical Eligibility (योग्यता):-

So firstly we should know that the Army has many types of categories in other ranks, all of them also have different tasks and works. But most of the candidates are not aware that we should go into which categories. If you want to become a Technical/Technical Aviation men in the army. So here you can know what should be Indian Army Soldier Technical/Technical Aviation height, weight, chest, and qualifications. The all type eligibility of the Technical is very different from other categories. You can read it below in a very simple way.

You can make your career by being selected for the post of Soldier Technical/Technical Aviation In the Indian Army. The Indian Army is one of the largest armies in the world because the Indian army has many types of weapons and different technical works. In these, all works require the men who have the technical knowledge. different types of physical standards have been made for technical candidates is as follow

Indian Army Soldier Technical Age Limit (आयु सीमा)

Indian Army Soldier Technical Eligibility 2020- Everyone’s mind has a question that what should be an age limit in the soldier technical. If you want to be selected in technical/technical aviation, then the minimum age eligibility of the Indian Army Technical candidate should be 17 ½ years and the maximum age should be 23 years. Candidates above 23 years of age cannot apply for technical. Indian army soldier technical age limit is as follow

Indian Army Soldier Technical Age Limit:

  • Minimum Age:- 17 ½  Year
  • Maximum Age:- 23 Year

Indian Army Soldier Technical Qualification (शैक्षिक योग्यता)

Indian Army Soldier Technical Eligibility 2020-The technical works are not simple and easy. So the educational eligibility of candidates is very important, So the candidate must have the prescribed educational qualifications to be selected on the post of Army Technical. The eligibility of the Indian Army Soldier Technical Qualification is like this

Indian Army Technical Qualification:

  • 10+2/Intermediate Exam Pass in Science with Physics, Chemistry, Maths, and English with 50% marks in aggregate and 40% in each subject.

Physical Standard Test of Indian Army Technical (शारीरिक मानक)

Indian Army Soldier Technical Eligibility 2020- Physical eligibility is a very important part of the Indian army rally, to be selected in Technical, it is necessary to be qualified in the prescribed physical standards. In physical standards measured height, weight, and chest. The physical standard is different for hills and plains region candidates are like this

Indian Army Soldier Technical Height, Weight & Chest

Indian Army Soldier Technical Eligibility 2020- According to the country’s climate is a measure of the Indian Army Technical /Technical Aviation Height, Weight, or Chest. There is a special relaxation in height or weight for the candidates of the hills area. Physical eligibility of Army Technical is explained in the below table. State-wise Indian Army Soldier Technical Height, Weight & Chest measurement is as follows.

Western Himalaya Region

State  Height  Weight  Chest 
J & K  163 cm 48 kg 77/82
Himachal Pradesh  163 cm 48 kg 77/82
Punjab Hills 163 cm 48 kg 77/82
Uttrakhand 163 cm 48 kg 77/82

Eastern Himalaya

State Height Weight  Chest
Sikkim 157 cm 48 kg 77/82
Nagaland 157 cm 48 kg 77/82
Arunachal Pradesh 157 cm 48 kg 77/82
Manipur 157 cm 48 kg 77/82
Tripura 157 cm 48 kg 77/82
Mizoram 157 cm 48 kg 77/82
Meghalaya 157 cm 48 kg 77/82
Assam 157 cm 48 kg 77/82
West Bengal 157 cm 48 kg 77/82

Western Plains Region

State  Height  Weight  Chest
Punjab 170 cm 50 kg 77/82
Haryana 170 cm 50 kg 77/82
Chandigarh 170 cm 50 kg 77/82
Delhi 170 cm 50 kg 77/82
Rajasthan 170 cm 50 kg 77/82
Western UP ( Meerut+Agra) 170 cm 50 kg 77/82

Eastern Plains Region 

State  Height  Weight  Chest
Eastern UP 169 cm 50 kg 77/82
Bihar 169 cm 50 kg 77/82
Best Bengal 169 cm 50 kg 77/82
Jharkhand 169 cm 50 kg 77/82
Odisha 169 cm 50 kg 77/82

Central Region

State Height Weight Chest
Madhya Pradesh 167 cm 50 kg 77/82
Chhattisgarh 167 cm 50 kg 77/82
Gujarat 167 cm 50 kg 77/82
Maharashtra 167 cm 50 kg 77/82
Dadar & Nagar Haveli 167 cm 50 kg 77/82
Daman & Diu 167 cm 50 kg 77/82

Southern Region

State Height  Weight  Chest
Andhra Pradesh 165 cm 50 kg 77/82
Karnataka 165 cm 50 kg 77/82
Tamil Nadu 165 cm 50 kg 77/82
Kerala 165 cm 50 kg 77/82
Goa 165 cm 50 kg 77/82
Puducherry 165 cm 50 kg 77/82

Indian Army Technical Physical Test Details (फिजिकल टेस्ट)

Indian Army Soldier Technical Eligibility 2020- To get selected in the Indian Army Technical, the candidates have physical tests. In these tests, Running, Pull-Up, Balancing Beam, or 9 feet Ditch have to be passed. It is very important to pass all these tests. Only after passing these, the candidate gets a chance to move to the next stage. If you want to be selected in the army, read the eligibility of Indian army technical physical test details is as follows

1600 Meter Running 

Indian Army Soldier Technical Eligibility 2020 – According to the Indian Army notification, the candidates who apply in this will be the first to run 1600 meters. In the recruitment rally, a track of 400 meters is made on the ground, the candidate has to complete 4 rounds of it in the stipulated time. It is mandatory to pass this test. Documents of the candidate are checked only after passing it. After this, there are other physical tests.


Only those candidates who qualify the race get a chance to come at this stage. In this, candidates have to apply 10 pull-ups. After the race, most candidates are spread in this stage. Technical candidates only have to put 6 pull-ups, because it is necessary to have a minimum of 6 pull-ups to Qualify. If you practice hard and join the rally, then you can easily pass it.

9 Feet Ditch

It is a part of a physical test. In this, the candidate needs to jump a ditch of 9 feet. There are no marks to pass it, but it is mandatory to pass. After checking the documents, this test can be done anytime, there is no permanent order.

Balancing Beam (zig – Zag ) 

A balancing beam is also a part of a physical Test. In this, the candidate needs to walk on a zig-zag beam, which is thin. It is mandatory to pass it. No marks are given to pass it.

Soldier Technical Physical Standard relaxation (मानको मे छूट)

Indian Army Soldier Technical Eligibility 2020- Soldiers and their families / Ex-servicemen / National / State Level Games Players are exempted from physical standards. which is like this


  • Height : 2 cm
  • Weight : 2 kg
  • Chest : 2 cm

Games Player / National / State Level

For those players labeled National / International / State level / Collage / District Board / University, who have secured first or second position in a game within the last 2 years, they are exempted in this way.

  • Height : 2 cm
  • Weight : 2 kg
  • Chest : 2 cm

Indian Army Technical Medical Test (मेडिकल टेस्ट)

Indian Army Soldier Technical Eligibility 2020- Medical eligibility of Indian Army Technical the candidates who pass the Physical Test and Physical measurement test have a medical test. In this test, the entire body of the candidate is checked up by the army doctors. Candidates should understand that the eligibility of Army Technical is very different from other departments. Unfit candidates will be referred to MH for specialist review. Candidates to report to designated Military Hospital within 5 days from referral and review medical exam to be completed by Military Hospital within 14 days as per policy. After re-medical, if the candidate is fit, then he is given the admit card for the written examination.

Indian Army Soldier Technical Written Exam (लिखित परीक्षा)

Indian Army Soldier Technical Eligibility 2020 – Written examination is conducted for those candidates who pass in physical and medical. This examination is conducted 1 or 2 months after the rally by the respective Army Recruitment Office. The merit list of Indian Army Technical candidates is made at all ARO level. Therefore, prepare well for this and go to the common entrance exam.

Indian Army Technical Exam Pattern (परीक्षा पैटर्न)

Army Soldier Technical Exam Patternsoldier technical exam takes a single part. There are different topics in this section and a total of 50 questions are asked in this exam. Out of 4 marks are given on each correct answer, this exam will be a total of 200 marks and it has negative marking 1 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.

  • Indian Army Technical/Technical Aviation online registration
  • Indian Army Admit Card 2020 
  • Soldier Technical/Technical Aviation syllabus and exam pattern

Soldier technical exam is a science level exam. to pass in soldier technical exam, candidates need 80 marks out of the total marks. In the technical exam, questions are asked from 4 different subjects. In which 10 questions are asked form Gk and reasoning, 15 questions are asked from maths, 15 questions are asked from physics and 10 questions are asked from chemistry. for this exam, candidates are given only 1 hr to solve all the questions. Soldier Technical exam pattern is like as

Indian Army Soldier Technical Exam Pattern

Subject Questions Marks Min Pass Marks
GK & Reasoning 10 40 80
Maths  15 60
Physics  15 60
Chemistry  10 40

Written Exam Concession (बोनस अंंक):-

Bonus marks are given to Relationship / Games Player / NCC Certificates holders in the written examination. which is as follows

Certificates  Bonus Marks
Relationship 20 Marks
NCC ‘A’ 05 Marks
NCC ‘B’ 10 Marks
NCC ‘C’ 15 Marks
Sportsmen State/National 20 Marks
O+ Computer Certificate 15 Marks

How To Join Indian Army Technical (कैसे ज्वाईन करे)

Indian Army Soldier Technical Eligibility 2020- To go to the Indian Army Soldier Technical, the first candidate need to apply online registration and application for the recruitment rally on the official website of the army. A few days before the rally, the admit card for the physical test arrives. Information about downloading the admit card is sent to you on the registered email. By going to the following link below, you can know how to apply online for army recruitment. On the official website, you can check eligibility of Indian Army Technical / Technical Aviation by filling information about you.

Indian Army Technical Salary (आर्मी टेक्नीकल वेतन)

The Indian army soldier technical eligibility 2020 – The Indian Army is one of the largest and most powerful armies in the world. In this, many types of salary allowances and facilities are given to the soldiers along with salary. Facilities like Grade Pay, Army Pay, Group Pay, and Canteen and Medical are provided.

Currently, the Indian Army Soldier Technical Salary is around 30,000 + / month. This is an approximate amount. Because the army salary depends on the area. If the duty of a soldier is in a risky area, then he is given a bonus of about 20% to 25%.

We hope that You will like information about the Indian Army Soldier Technical Eligibility. If you like it, you can share it with your friends. And you can read the eligibility for other trades at the following link

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